Our Services

I work with a range of difficulties. These are some of the issues I can help with:


Separation Anxiety, Anger Difficulties, Losses and Bereavements, Separation and Divorce, Learning Difficulties (ADHD,ASD,Dyslexia and Dyspraxia), Social and Communication Difficulties, Behaviour Difficulties, Performance Anxiety, Chronic Health conditions, Friendship Issues, Bullying, Anxiety and Panic Attacks.

I can also offer parenting support and school support. I have worked as an embedded counsellor and been contracted in to schools so I understand the system and constraints. I can  provide school reports to help translate the child’s behaviour and offer advice on turning behaviour difficulties around by providing effective individualised support rather than a generalised support package. 

I have worked with Looked After Children in Fostering and in Residential placements.

Young People

Confidence and Self-Esteem, Relationship Difficulties and Family conflict, Bullying, Social and Communication Difficulties, Loneliness, School-work difficulties, Low motivation, Panic Attacks, Anxiety, OCD, Performance anxiety and Sports Psychology, Identity -crisis; Gender and Sexuality, Low mood and Depression, Suicidal Thoughts and Self-harm, Eating Difficulties, Addictive behaviours and Risk-taking. I have extensive experience with ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Autism, Looked After Children.

I will always empower the young person to find their own voice and communicate the difficulties they are experiencing to reduce acting out behaviours but I can help parents advocate for a young person who is misunderstood and whose behaviour is escalating at school.

Confidentiality is essential to trust and subject to legal safeguarding, is always maintained so this would only be with the young person’s consent.

I can also share psycho-education with parents that may help manage parenting during the difficult teenage years.


Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Anger, Abuse in Childhood, Domestic Abuse, ADHD, ASD, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, Depression, Self Harm and Suicidal Thoughts/Attempts, Bereavement, Shame and Guilt, Relationship Difficulties, Loneliness, Life-changes, Work Politics, Dependencies, Care-Leavers and Adoptees; Chronic Health conditions; ED.

I am registered with WPA and BUPA Health Insurance.

My fees are £60/session.

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